Tuesday, 5 March 2013


you can:
Wind sock

Ribbon Wind Sock

 - Decorate the outside of your home with a wonderful windsock! Pick your favourite colours and decorate as desired.



 - Pinwheels are like wind turbines - they need wind to move. Here's how to make your own.


 - Wind is used to generate electricity. Wind turbines, which change the wind into electricity, need an average wind speed of about 14 miles per hour to generate electricity. An anemometer tells how fast the wind is blowing.


How a wind turbine works? What parts have got?

The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a generator and makes electricity. The electricity is sent through transmission and distribution lines to a substation, then to homes, business and schools.

The parts of the wind turbine are:



They sure are big!

When it comes to size, bigger is better. The bigger the wind turbine, the more wind it reaches and the more electricity it produces.

Wind turbines are approximately 13 feet wide at the base, and between 230 and 265 feet tall. With one of the blades in the upright position, the total height is approximately 406 feet.


Important recent news IN YOU AREA

In Catalonia there are a lot of companies that fight to get more wind turbines. One of these companies is  "Eoliccat" that wants to promote the wind energy as an instrument for environmental protection.



Important recent news IN YOU AREA

In Catalonia there are a lot of wind turbines.
In this map you can look where there are wind turbines parks.


Wind turbine

In this photo you can look the parts of a wind turbine.


Wind turbines video


A video that explains how  the wind turbines work.


Some advice

We think that these advices are good:
  1. If people live in the mountain, they can put a wind turbine next their house to save money and pollute less.
  2. The use of wind as energy has fewer environmental impacts than using many other energy sources.
  3. Wind energy reduce the amount of electricity generated from fossil fuels and therefore reduce the amount of air pollution.


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Difference between renewable energies and non-renewable.

Renewable energy is the energy that will never run out, but non-renewable energy can be finished.
Examples of renewable energy are the wind energy and the sun energy because they don't finish. Exemples of non-renewable energies are nuclear energy and termical energy.

*All the group*

What is energy?

Energy is the power that makes things work. 
We use energy for a lot of things for exemple: to eat, to walk, to watch TV, to play...

*All the group*

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Why do we have to use renewable energies?

We think that using renewable energies is interesting because they don't finish and they are good for the environment.
Moreover they don't damage the landscape as the non-renewable energies, because the buildings of non-renewable energies are bigger.


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Task 4

Who upload the gadges?

Marta: The back ground, a photo

Xana: Total Pageviews,  Followers, Digital Clock, Calendar, Sally The Sheep Virtual Pet



Wednesday, 6 February 2013



This is our blog and we will explain wind energy.

Our adress blogger is www.windenergy2a.blogspot.com.es/ and our gmail is 


Our name's group is Les Petites Cabretes and we are Xana , Alba , Yina  and Marta .